Thursday, January 18, 2007


Here are some pictures of Lizzie, my family's much loved pet dog. She is 6 years old and a pure mongrel. She loves meat, chocolates and hugs. She can even be bribed with chocolates. She loves the word 'Walk'. Can get moody but generally very friendly and active especially when guests come over. Lizzie loves to sleep in all places except her own bed. She's usually caught sleeping on the living room sofas and beds, much to the Help's vexation!

One of her favourtite past times:
Photos: From Mama's collection.


Anonymous said...

Aawwww!! Soooo sweet...Lizzie...muah..hugzzzzzzzzzz....
Now, I am missing my cutie pies & my parents place.

fursat said...

Wow!! I miss my Milo too now :-(

Good ones :D

Unknown said...

she looks mischievous...:D

top one is a good snap...

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Silkam said...
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sanguine said...

she is so cute ..
and HNY marlee , howz has it gone so far ? u stickin to ur to do list for 2007 ? :D