Saturday, November 11, 2006

Need Some Gyan Desperately...

some body please help!!! have been struggling to upload soem pics in the blog, but to no avail....

i manage to find the pic n then blogger trys uploading it n then comes back with an error sign saying cant find the server...

what do i do???


Ivan said...

Orkut Home page; Click Album; Click browse; Choose the folder where the pictures are stored; select the pic; once url is pasted in the box; click upload.

Orkut home page; click profile;click on social; click edit; check the options on the left ;click photo; click browse; Choose the folder where the pictures are stored; select the pic; once url is pasted in the box; click upload.

Ivan said...

If it does not connect to the server, the reason may be that your data transfer speed is slow and the pictures are large.Compress the pictures and then try again.

Marlee said...

Thanks for the advice...Im not too sure if its got anything to do with the data transfer speed. I've got a broadband connection so speed shouldnt be a deterent. I think its got to do with the setting of my laptop. Will have to get that changed.

Ivan said...

Check your firewalls

Ivan said...

But take care that you have the latest anti-virus installed

Marlee said...

yup will do the way what is a firewall? :) techno challeneged is what i am!

Ivan said...

a wall that stops your system from being set afire. ;-)

Ivan said...

Marlee said...

lol! checked out your link.


Ivan said...

Welcome! Now that one problem is resolved, look for another.;-)